I am very proud today to announce my brand new tutorial site Learn from Joey L.

Learn From Joey L is a tutorial site to share the photography, lighting and Photoshop techniques I have cultivated over the years. It is very much a personal project dedicated to those who find inspiration in my work and are interested in learning from me.
I’m going to be honest- this project took absolutely forever to get off the ground. In fact, I thought I’d have it up and running 6 months ago. But as I began working on the videos, (much to my assistant Caleb’s dismay), I kept thinking of more and more things to add, and slowly it transformed into the site you see now. This is not like other generic photography learning sites; this is a homegrown project with tutorials based on my own assignments. I can only teach what is true to me and it is my hope that my personal vision inspires yours.

The Learn from Joey L site is very unique compared to the ways I’ve sold tutorials in the past. This time, video lessons are sold individually and “a la carte”. These bite-size tutorials are available immediately after purchase. This means after you unlock a video, you can do whatever the hell you want with it- stream it directly from my site, download the video in 1080p HD and cozy up to your laptop, or even take it with you on your phone to watch on an airplane.
I strongly believe that the old ways of sending DVDs through the mail is long dead. With my older tutorials, we sent DVDs all around the world. It was a pain in the ass. If something got lost by the postal service in… say… Indonesia, it would be up to us to track it down or send another in it’s place. We still ship physical copies of the older DVD releases “Sessions with Joey L” and “Lara Jade VS Joey L”, but all the new and forthcoming lessons will only be released as downloadable videos.
With internet connections getting stronger and faster everywhere around the globe, I know using digital downloads on Learn From Joey L is the way to go.

I love to teach. And I feel extremely fortunate for all the questions and requests that come in every day. When I post a new image on my Facebook page, the comment section often turns into a conversation. I am continually appreciative of the feedback and interest people take in the technical aspects of my photography; and it’s truly inspiring to find out what other photographers and retouchers care to learn. Sometimes I wish I had more time to teach you what I know, but more often than not, my shooting schedule simply doesn’t allow me to commit to in-person workshops or answer every question that comes my way. I needed a new medium to share quality information. This is how the new tutorial site was born.

Anyone who has purchased a tutorial from me in the past knows that this money gets channeled directly into my personal photography and film projects, such as People of the Delta. It’s what allows me to spend so much time on the road. I can’t even count all the commercial jobs I’ve missed while living in a hut somewhere, and it wouldn’t be as easy without this extra income source. I’m a strong believer in personal projects; this is the fire that feeds your creativity and enables you to grow as an artist so that one day you can unleash everything you’ve learned on a commercial set.
A site like Learn From Joey L simply enables me to go out to the field and do more of what I love. In effect, I now have a platform to share the knowledge I’ve learned while diving headfirst into a new project.
The beauty of the site is that it’s scalable. As I film more shoots, more lessons can be made. Sometimes they will be free, sometimes paid. I have hundreds of other ideas for videos and I invite you to tell me more of what you’d like to see.
So, feel free to head on over to the site and check it out. Every tutorial has a trailer to give you an idea of the quality of the content. There’s also a special launching sale of 15% off until January 1st. The site is in a very young stage and will continue to evolve over time. If you have an idea for a specific lesson or technique you’d like to see, shoot me a comment below.
Glenn Mather // May 02, 2015 05:49
Just stumbled across this site. Wow so much to take in. Some great photography stuff that means I'll be back.
JAMES // May 13, 2015 13:10
Lukasz Pawlak // May 14, 2016 15:55
Hi. I'm trying get to your website "Lear from Joey L" but I'm getting errors. Is the website down or its something wrong with my pc ?
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